How to run a devopsdays while working for a devops vendor
2019-10-28, 11:40–11:50 (UTC), Ballroom

DevOps market is growing crazy and for most organizations, organizing a devopsdays seems to be are a great way to market their product or service. Most core and local organizers are also working for companies with devops ties. This can create a conflict if we aren't aware of the real value lying in devopsdays and take certain precautions.

In this talk, as someone who is working for a "devops" vendor, is organizing a local event with a bunch of folks who work for a devops vendor, and is attending a bunch of other devopsdays, I'll share my lessons learned to avoid turning your event into a marketing show.

Serhat helps teams build better on-call and incident response practices at Atlassian, Opsgenie. He is part of the Devopsdays core team and runs many local events in Turkey including Devopsdays İstanbul. He is also interested in cloud things and an AWS Community Hero.